Happy New Year 2014 & Announcing Young Adultica!
What's your resolution? Mine's to read more books (of course!) and lay off that holiday chocolate (not happening, alas). Still, a better way to ring in the new year is to talk about my favorite subject-- young adult books. Do you browse whatever bookstore that you happen to stumble upon? Do you find yourself going unerringly in said bookstore to the young adult section? Are you like me and sigh everytime you actually find the young adult section and it is HUGE? Oh, how I love the age of young adult book fever. But now that the fever's hit, which one to choose among this great wide selection? What's new? Who wins at Cover Love? That's when Young Adultica, the magazine, steps in...
In the words of Young Adultica:
"young adultica is a magazine all about young adult fiction--what we love, why you might love it, how we fell in love with it. browse it like a bookstore--get lost for hours, find something to mull over while you drink your coffee, find a spot to linger as long as you like."
So... a glossy magazine that talks YA? I'm in. Did you take a look at their homepage? Notice anything? Yup, you saw it. My Boyfriend Merlin is getting some cover love! Now what are you waiting for? Go on.. check out their debut Winter 2014 issue. Do you see how pretty it is? And to top it all... it's FREE!!
Talk to you soon about more books,